Professional photorealistic drawing education

Miklós Annamária (Hungary)

Welcome to the Hussar Arts International Academy's site!

I have personally experienced the effectiveness of the Hussar method, with which anyone can truly learn to draw lifelike, photo realistically, even by themselfs (not just copied).

The HUSSAR ARTS INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY is preparing for a Guinness record, aimed at promoting the Hussar method. Therefore, the Academy presents 150 thousand (worth 165 $ each) complimentary tickets worldwide.

The founder of the academy, as a classical artist, recognized the true secret of talent by studying the results of modern brain research and in 2017 created the "art of self-conscious emotions". Its basis is based on a system of original geometric relationships that are new even to the most skilled professional artists. As a result, more than ten thousand people from more than 37 countries (from Dubai to Vancouver, Canada) are now studying with this method. At the academy, talent becomes a skill that can be mastered even through learning, even for complete beginners.

As a VIP club member of the Academy, I have the opportunity to present you with a complimentary ticket, with which you can participate in three online drawing courses of the Academy for FREE [B1-B2-B3] within three months at the times of your choice.

To activate the complimentary ticket, fill out the form below, and then select the times that are good for you on the newly displayed page!

Activate the gift voucher by registering below, which you can use at any time within three months. 

Voucher code : 8081

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