Graphite powder

There are several types of graphite powder on the market, but without exception, even the most branded ones seem to be of poor quality in addition to the Hungarian PannonColor graphite powder.

This seemingly small vial contains so much graphite powder that will be enough for you for years to come. Graphite powder is a material used to create tones. We use it by putting a small portion of it in a small bowl, of which e.g.

Apply to the paper with 4 layers of fragrance- and oil-free paper handkerchief, paper satire rod or brushed satire rod when shading. A small bowl can also be a plastic bowl (e.g. used for watercolor), but it is more preferred made of a thicker glass because it is harder to tip over on the table due to its weight. (This happens sometimes and after that it is difficult to clean up the fine graphite powder)

By no means do I recommend any other brand?

If you don't want to be disappointed, just choose this!
